My baba is a typical goan and for him nothing compares to a hot , fresh home cooked goan meal. For him a goan meal is ultimate and hence whenever he comes visiting I see to it that the menu is goan , he is not very choosy when it comes to goan food as long as there is some fish, which may be fried or as a curry and a sol-kadi to end the satisfying meal he is happy.
When I was young I have several memories of my baba fulfilling our food cravings, It was not that he could afford to give us all the material comforts ,but when it came to food,baba saw to it that we never longed for anything .Our every little wish was fulfilled .
I remember , it may sound uncanny, but many a times it has happened that I used to feel like eating something and my father used to get it, when he returned home from office.
I used to feel so surprised as to how he knew that I felt like eating jalebi’s and batata wada and he gets the same things while coming home.
It gives my baba great pleasure to buy food stuff for me and my family , whenever he comes visiting he waits for me to tell him to go out and buy something and I do that just to see the pleasure on his face.

His favorite is tausali a goan sweet dish
Once there was this dialogue between us .
I had bought a toushe or a large green cucumber
So my father asked me
“are you going to make tausali”
I said,
he says,
I know he loves tausali and he is not supposed to eat too much…
My plan was to make it before he returns from his evening walk.
So I make it ready before he comes home
When he comes home
I asked him,
“baba will you have tea”
he says..
I say,
“baba will you have coffee”
he says,
I say,
“baba will you have biscuits”
he says,
{I think he was a little disappointed that I was not making a tousali}
I said,
“baba will you have a piece of tousali”
he said,
I said,
This was when he realized he had said “no” to tausali
And so he said “did you say tausali , when did you make it”
And he had such a wide grin, that it made my day.

1 comment:
Very nicely written. It bought back memories for me too. You have written about father's fav food and Raksha Bhandhan in a way that I will never be able to put into words
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