My family loves dry fish especially dry prawns . They are of immense use when you have this craving for eating fish and don't have the time to go out to the fish market .
you will always find dry fish piled up in my freezer for the rainy day , and this is where i buy it from ,
come with me and enjoy this tour of MADGAON DRY FISH MARKET....
I normally buy only prawns and mackeral from the market as that's all that is eaten at home but there is a large variety available which people really relish...
nice pics. I was used to love sode/sukat fry
Mahek, I'm so happy to see that you've updated your blog. Been waiting for it! :) I suggest that you must watch this movie called, Julie & Julia. The real story of two women who loved cooking and one of them actually wrote a blog. She's now an established food writer in the US.
Wish you all the best for your initiatives. Please know that your writing means a lot to your readers! Thanks so much!
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